Law Council of Australia


Unconscious bias training now available to all Australian lawyers

8 March 2017

In a national first, a customised unconscious bias training program aimed specifically at the legal profession is now accessible from this week.

Diversity and inclusion specialists, Symmetra, have developed the unprecedented program offered to lawyers and legal practices via face-to-face workshops, train-the-trainer modules, and online courses.

The CPD accredited workshops include an interactive exploration of unconscious cognitive biases and how they affect all decisions.

Numerous examples of its impact on legal and ethical decisions will be discussed, and participants will learn to identify and counteract different types of bias.

Law Council of Australia President, Fiona McLeod SC, said the training was a clear indication of the profession taking practical steps towards greater inclusion and diversity.

"Human beings are hardwired to notice personal characteristics and to prefer those with attributes or experiences similar to their own, without conscious awareness,” Ms McLeod said.

“Unconscious bias is an insidious and increasingly-recognised factor undermining organisational culture, leading to loss of productivity and revenue.

"Addressing unconscious bias encourages better decision-making and new approaches to problem solving.

“Training that helps lawyers to uncover and address unconscious bias doesn’t just improve diversity, it can improve productivity and help firms to attract and retain top talent,” Ms McLeod said.

Practitioners should fulfil their CPD requirements by the end of March. To access the training, contact your State / Territory Law Society or Bar Association.

You can learn more about the program, as well as accessing the online course at:


Media contacts:

Patrick Pantano: Public Affairs

P. 02 6246 3715     E. 

Anil Lambert: Media

P. 0416 426 722     E. 

Last Updated on 23/11/2017


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