Law Council of Australia


2023 LCA Joint Section CPD Seminar

13 September 2023

On 8 September 2023, Sections of the Law Council of Australia in collaboration with the Queensland Law Society and Townsville District Law Association, held a successful in-person seminar in Townsville. The half-day CPD seminar consisted of eight sessions and covered a broad range of topics presented by specialist members of the Sections.

Mr Luke Murphy, President of the Law Council of Australia commenced the seminar with an opening address, which was followed by the first session of the day, ‘Class action law and practice: Prospects and pitfalls’, presented by Mr Peter Cashman, Executive Member from the Federal Dispute Resolution Section. Former Chair of the Business Law Section and current Executive Member, Mr Greg Rodgers, discussed ‘Insolvency reform – where to from here?’, and Deputy Chair of Legal Practice Section, Dr Leonie Kelleher, articulated her view on climate change issues and lawyers’ obligations.

From the Business Law Section, Mr Philip Argy, Chairman gave an interactive presentation on witnessing of digital signatures, and Professor Pamela Hanrahan, Deputy Chair and Mr Adrian Varrasso, Treasurer provided their unique insights on advising your clients on what the role of director involves.

Executive Member of the International Law Section, Mr Damian Sturzaker, spoke to delegates about dispute resolution and the exploration of new techniques and a reflection on some lost skills. Ms Di Simpson, Chair of the Family Law Section, and Executive Members, Ms Jasmine Evans and Mr Philip Looney KC, provided an update on family law matters. Law Council Chief Executive Officer, Dr James Popple, concluded the seminar with a closing remark.

Delegates had the opportunity to meet and discuss the seminar content post event.

Last Updated on 13/12/2023



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