Law Council of Australia

Business Law Section

Bannerman Lecture 2019

14 February 2019

On Thursday 14th February 2019, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) and the Business Law Section (BLS) hosted the annual Bannerman Competition Lecture in honour of the contribution to competition law and regulation by the late Ron Bannerman AO.

The lecture this year was given by Professor Allen Fells, titled: ‘New Frontiers of Competition Policy’. The event was attended by over 90 guests and the BLS hosted a post lecture dinner for 40 guests to which the Bannerman family members were also invited.

Members of the ACCC & BLS took the opportunity before the lecture recognise the legacies and provide commentary on the significant contributions made by Bob Baxt, Professor Maureen Brunt and Warren Penguilly to Competition Law in Australia.

Last Updated on 20/12/2019



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