Expressions of interest Technology in Mergers and Acquisitions Working Group sought
21 September 2018
The Business Law Section has recently established a new Working Group on the application of technology in M&A transactions and are calling for expressions of interest from members that may be interested in the application of technology to M&A transactions.
National meetings will be held by teleconference or video conference on a monthly basis.
The Working Group will focus initially on a limited number of objectives including; seeking law reform to overcome anomalies with electronic execution of documents, facilitating use of Artificial Intelligence(AI)due diligence platforms in data rooms, and seeking streamlining of court processes for schemes of arrangement.
The Working Group will consider other issues, as well as seeking to collaborate with any other like-minded groups within the Law Council's Constituent Bodies and any international Law Societies and Bar Associations.
Chaired by former Business Law Section and Corporations Committee chair John Keeves, the working group will be overseen by a steering group with representatives of a number of law firms, including Allens, Clayton Utz, Gilbert + Tobin, Herbert Smith Freehills and King & Wood Mallesons.
Expressions of interest should be directed by email to John Keeves with a copy to Business Law Section Administrator, Jane Bacot-Kilpatrick. Non-members of the Business Law Section who are interested in participation in the Working Group may wish to consider joining the Business Law Section. For details about how to join the Business Law Section.
Last Updated on 20/12/2019
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