First Nations Digital Inclusion Roadmap
1 August 2024
On 18 July 2024, the Law Council provided a submission to the Digital Inclusion Section of the Department of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development on its First Nations Inclusion Roadmap. The Law Council notes that digital exclusion affects the capacity of First Nations people to, amongst other things, access education and support services, safely and effectively manage their finances, follow news and media, and effectively participate in political and public life. Therefore, in its submission to the Department it made the following comments:
- Digital infrastructure in Rural, Regional and Remote (RRR) areas in Australia is lacking, undermining the stability of communities and their ability to participate in the contemporary economy. Therefore, investment in this infrastructure in RRR Australia could promote rights to health, education, and work, and contribute to economic self-determination for First Nations Australians in particular, while maintaining their connections with land and community.
- Appropriate investment in both infrastructure and digital literacy could also assist with meeting relevant Closing the Gap targets.
- Consumer protections for First Nations telecommunications consumers, particularly those in situations of vulnerability or precariousness, need to be strengthened.
- Legal work in RRR areas of Australia is currently hampered by the current digital infrastructure, which holds RRR residents back from accessing relevant services on an equal basis with those in metropolitan areas.
Last Updated on 10/10/2024
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