Law Council of Australia


The operation of Commonwealth FOI laws submission

20 June 2023

The Law Council recently made a submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee in relation to its Inquiry into the operation of Commonwealth Freedom of Information (FOI) laws.

This submission was informed by input from several Constituent Bodies, in addition to the Federal Dispute Resolution Section’s Administrative Law Committee. It emphasises that the transparency afforded to the FOI scheme, through the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) (FOI Act), is critical to the effective operation of the administrative law system and, more broadly, to the integrity of Australia’s democratic institutions.

In its submission, the Law Council addresses each term of reference and makes the following recommendations:

The Committee is due to report by 7 December 2023. The Law Council will continue to monitor the progress of this Inquiry and any subsequent consideration of reforms to Australia’s FOI laws to ensure their effectiveness in promoting open and accountable governance.

Last Updated on 23/10/2023



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