Ceremonial Sitting of the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia – Judge Allyson Ladhams
Speech delivered via online by Dr Jacoba Brasch QC, President of the Law Council of Australia, at the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia, Perth, 8 October 2021.
"It is an honour to be with you all today.
In particular, I acknowledge Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash, Commonwealth Attorney-General; Chief Justice, The Hon. Justice William Alstergren; all judicial officers; dignitaries and colleagues; and most of all Your Honour; and Your Honour’s family, friends and colleagues. I have absolutely no doubt they will all be bursting with immense pride, as they should.
Diversity of the work undertaken by the legal profession is something which ought be heralded from the highest ramparts.
As such, I could not be more pleased to be part of today’s ceremony welcoming Your Honour, whose appointment to the Federal Circuit and Family Court follows a career which includes a decade as a solicitor at the Australian Government Solicitor (AGS)."
Read full speech below.
Last Updated on 15/10/2021