Welcome address at Reception for Australian Lawyers in Hong Kong
Speech delivered by Law Council of Australia President, Mr Greg McIntyre at the Australian Consulate, Hong Kong, 5 June 2024.
"Good evening, it is an honour to be with you this evening.
I would like to thank Consul-General, Gareth Williams and his staff at the Australian Consulate for so generously hosting this event and assisting with its organisation.
I also wish to welcome Justice Kevin Paul Zervos, Justice of Appeal of the Court of Appeal of Hong Kong, Mr Victor Dawes SC, Chairman of the Hong Kong Bar Association, and Mr CM Chan, President of the Law Society of Hong Kong.
We are also most fortunate to have Mr Matthew Hibbins, President of the Law Institute of Victoria and member of the Law Council Board, join us this evening.
As President of the Law Council of Australia, I am pleased to be in Hong Kong to attend the 34th Presidents of Law Associations in Asia Summit.
On Friday and Saturday of this week, about 15 bar leaders from across the Asia Pacific region will attend a Summit hosted by the Law Society of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Bar Association.
While the host jurisdiction changes each year, POLA is a forum to report on developments in our jurisdictions, and discuss emerging issues and challenges facing the legal profession across our region.
As President of the Law Council, it is a great privilege to meet with distinguished leaders of the legal profession, eminent jurists and lawyers who are experts in their field."
Read full speech below.
Last Updated on 24/06/2024
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