Welcome to Chief Justice John Pascoe AC CVO and Chief Judge William Alstergren QC
"I have every confidence that spirit of cooperation will continue with the appointment of Chief Justice Pascoe and Chief Judge Alstergren.
Each of the courts exercising family law jurisdiction bears an enormous workload.
The judges of each court are dealing with families in breakdown. Their stories are familiar but they are no less painful for the participants. The tide is unrelenting and resourcing of each court has not kept pace with demand. In this context, Your Honours appointments represent a significant challenge, but also an opportunity for wholesale reform.
Your Honours will no doubt make an immeasurable contribution to each of the courts you will lead. You are both leaders with a track record of reform and community service..."
Speech delivered by Fiona McLeod SC, President, Law Council of Australia at the Law Courts Building, Queens Square, Sydney. Read full speech below.
Last Updated on 13/12/2017
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