Call to Parties 2022
Improvements to laws and the administration of justice in a post-pandemic society
In the lead-up to the 2022 federal election the Law Council has developed a Call to Parties document to outline the key issues of concern to the Australian legal profession and seek the commitment of the various political parties and independent candidates to a set of reforms needed to improve law and policy for the betterment of the Australian community, our democracy and the legal profession.
The key issues on which the Law Council is seeking action following the 2022 federal election, are discussed under the following themes:
- access to justice;
- federal courts and tribunals;
- strengthening integrity measures;
- ensuring the safety of women, children and families;
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples;
- the law and vulnerable persons;
- mandatory sentencing;
- human rights;
- asylum seekers, detention and offshore processing policies;
- privacy and data;
- workplaces and employment;
- Medicare processing;
- class actions and litigation funding;
- charities and not-for-profit sector;
- modernising business practices;
- anti-money laundering;
- climate change and environmental laws; and
- developing and strengthening legal professional associations in the Pacific region.
Responses from parties and independent candidates
Last Updated on 07/12/2023