Law Council of Australia


An AI Action Plan for All Australians: A Call for Views

The submission to the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources in relation to its discussion paper, An AI Action Plan for All Australians: A Call for Views, was prepared by the Law Council of Australia. 

The Law Council welcomes the Department’s engagement with the emergence of AI in today’s Australia, and its objectives of maximising the benefits of AI for all Australians and managing the potential challenges.

The discussion paper is described as presenting issues at a ‘high-level’. The Law Council considers that there is an opportunity for a more ambitious and strategic approach to AI through an action plan that reflects a more in-depth and whole-ofgovernment analysis.

This would incorporate the development of an appropriately targeted and balanced regulatory framework (ranging from self-regulation to legislation where required to address specific risks) regarding the use of AI, which prioritises overarching objectives of transparency and accountability. A central agency may be best placed to coordinate this work.

You can read the full submission below.

Last Updated on 16/02/2021


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