Law Council of Australia

Business Law Section

ASIC Report 605 on Allocations in Equity Raising Transactions – feedback

In late December 2018, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (Commission or ASIC) issued its findings on allocations in equity raising transactions in Report 605, welcoming feedback on the issues raised in the report.

The Business Law Section of the Law Council (BLS) is generally complimentary of the report and sees it as a very balanced and useful guide for participants in the market based on the Commission’s analysis of 16 Australian equity capital raisings of different sizes and complexion.

In particular, the BLS members with expertise in equity capital raisings found the vast majority of the observations in the report consistent with their experience and found observations outside their immediate visibility (e.g. because in private practice) to be of likely assistance to issuers, market participants and advisers.

You can read the full submission below.

Last Updated on 30/03/2020


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