Law Council of Australia

Legal Practice Section

Australia's Extinction Crisis

This submission has been prepared by the Australian Environment and Planning Law Group (the Group) of the Law Council of Australia’s Legal Practice Section. The Group welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to the Senate Standing Committees on Environment and Communications—Environment and Communications References Committee in relation to Australia’s Extinction Crisis.

The Group notes that the Inquiry’s Terms of Reference have been broadened to include consideration of both faunal and floral extinction and to include consideration of the outcomes of the Independent Review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) (EPBC Act) by Professor Graeme Samuel AC (Independent Review) and the recently released State of the Environment Report.

The Group notes that it made submissions to this Inquiry in September 2018 and November 2021. The Group also notes that the Law Council made a number of submissions to the Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements1 and made an extensive submission to the Independent Review.2 The Group commends these submissions to the Inquiry.

Last Updated on 09/09/2022


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