COAG Legislation Amendment Bill 2021
The submission to the Senate Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee in response to the inquiry into the COAG Legislation Amendment Bill 2021 (Cth) (the Bill) was prepared by the Law Council of Australia.
The Bill proposes to amend multiple Commonwealth Acts to reflect administrative changes to the names and composition of several intergovernmental bodies, which variously comprise the First Ministers and portfolio Ministers of the Commonwealth and States and Territories.
A key administrative change is the cessation of the body formerly known as the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) and the establishment of a new intergovernmental body known as the National Cabinet.1
Schedules 1-3 to the Bill give effect to this and other administrative changes in three main ways, two of which are fairly described as technical, and one of which represents a significant policy shift.
You can read the full submission below.
1 See, COAG Legislation Amendment Bill 2021 (Cth) (the Bill).
Last Updated on 30/09/2021
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