Law Council of Australia


Concept Paper for a National Anti-Racism Framework

The submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) in response to its Concept Paper for a National Anti-Racism Framework was prepared by the Law Council of Australia. 

The Law Council strongly supports the overarching commitment of the AHRC and Racial Discrimination Commissioner to address racism and promote racial equality across Australia.

However, it suggests that the current Concept Paper outline for a National AntiRacism Framework is at a high level of generality and the resources of the AHRC and Racial Discrimination Commissioner might be more specifically directed toward acute human rights needs within Australia’s legal and policy frameworks that are tied to racism and racial inequality.

On the basis of input from the Law Council’s Indigenous Legal Issues Committee, this submission focuses in particular on recognising the issues and acute needs facing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, in combatting racism and promoting racial inequality in this country.

At the same time, the Law Council fully recognises the diversity of the issue of racism and the need for the National Anti-Racism Framework to capture and respond to multiplicities of experience. While it has been unable to specifically address the experiences of other affected cohorts in this submission, the Law Council strongly supports the goal of the Commission to ensure that all persons are free from racism and discrimination.

You can read the full submission below.

Last Updated on 24/02/2022


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