Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Climate Trigger) Bill 2020
The submission to the Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee inquiry into the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Climate Trigger) Bill 2020 was prepared by the Australian Environment and Planning Law Group (the AEPLG) of the Legal Practice Section.
The Bill seeks to amend parts of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) (EPBC Act) to define certain ‘emissions intensive’ actions as a matter of national environmental significance to be regulated by the EPBC Act and provide penalties for an individual or body corporate undertaking such actions without the appropriate authority under the Act.
As a preliminary comment, the AEPLG notes that the EPBC Act is currently under review and the issue of how the EPBC Act should be engaged in the regulation of greenhouse gas emissions and the impact of climate change on Australia’s environment will no doubt be considered in detail by the Reviewer, Professor Graeme Samuel AC. The AEPLG recommends that this Committee have regard to any analysis and recommendations made by the Reviewer in relation to climate change matters prior to the finalisation of the Committee’s inquiry into the Bill.
You can read the full submission below.
Last Updated on 02/06/2020
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