Law Council of Australia

Legal Practice Section

Inquiry into Resources Sector Regulation

The submission to the Productivity Commission's inquiry to examine regulation affecting the resources sector and highlight best practice was prepared by the Australian Environment and Planning Law Group of the Legal Practice Section. 

The Australian Government Treasurer, the Hon Josh Frydenberg MP, requested the Productivity Commission on 6 August 2019 to undertake this inquiry in accordance with defined terms of reference.

The Productivity Commission released an issues paper in September 2019 and has called for public submissions. The terms of reference require the Productivity Commission to inquire into and report on “regulation with a material impact on business investment in the resources sector”. The Commission has been asked to identify “effective regulatory approaches” and highlight examples of “best-practice” regulation across Australia and internationally.

You can read the full submission below. 

Last Updated on 20/12/2019


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