Law Council of Australia


Inquiry into the opportunities and impacts of the uptake of artificial intelligence technologies in Australia

The Law Council of Australia provided a submission to the Senate Select Committee on Adopting Artificial Intelligence (the Senate Committee) in response to its inquiry into the opportunities and impacts arising out of the uptake of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in Australia.

As recognised in the Senate Committee’s terms of reference, AI technologies have the potential to deliver significant opportunities and benefits across the economy and society more broadly, and can be expected to cause disruption and innovation in many key industries.

Innovation in AI technologies is at a relatively early, although rapidly moving, stage of development, and it is difficult to ascertain how AI technologies will impact upon the law and Australia’s existing regulatory approaches going forward.

Consistent with previous Commonwealth consultations on AI, the terms of reference for this inquiry are drawn broadly. This breadth acknowledges the scale of transformation occurring with the accelerated development and deployment of AI. Significant work is also being undertaken internationally to protect against emerging risks posed by AI while at the same time creating the conditions that will allow for the significant economic and other benefits and opportunities arising from such technologies.

At the outset, we note that there are several reviews and other work occurring across government, both at the Commonwealth and state/territory levels, that is relevant to the deployment and regulation of AI in Australia.

Read the full submission below.

Last Updated on 03/06/2024


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