Miscellaneous amendments to Treasury portfolio laws
This submission relates to the exposure draft documents:
- Treasury Laws Amendment (Miscellaneous and Technical Amendments) Bill 2022 (Cth) (Draft Bill) and accompanying Explanatory Memorandum;
- Treasury Laws Amendment (Miscellaneous and Technical Amendments) 2022 (Cth) (Draft Regulations) and accompanying Explanatory Statement; and
- Treasury Laws Amendment (Miscellaneous Amendments No. 1) Instrument 2022 (Draft Instrument) and accompanying Explanatory Statement.
The purpose of this proposed package of reforms is to make minor and technical amendments to ensure the law operates as intended by correcting technical or drafting defects, removing anomalies, and addressing unintended outcomes.
The Financial Services Committee of the Business Law Section of the Law Council of Australia (the Committee) appreciates the opportunity to provide feedback on the above documents and having been given an extension to do so until 5 October 2022.
Last Updated on 29/08/2024
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