National Competition Policy analysis
The Competition and Consumer Committee (Committee) of the Business Law Section of the Law Council of Australia refers to the call for submissions paper issued by the Productivity Commission (Commission) in relation to the National Competition Policy (NCP) analysis.
As outlined in the paper, the Australian Government is:
- undertaking a two-year competition review covering, amongst other things, competition issues relating to achieving net zero, data and digitalisation, growth in the care and support economy; and
- working with states and territories to revitalise the National Competition Policy, with potential competition reforms being developed through the Council on Federal Financial Relations (CFFR).
The Commission has been asked to assess the economic impacts of the reforms, including an assessment of the scale of any benefits and how those benefits are distributed, which will help inform CFFR decision-making about future competition policy in Australia. The Commission has indicated that, where possible, it will use Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) models to assess the likely impacts of NCP reforms. For this purpose, the Commission has requested submissions from interested parties in relation to:
- suitable methodologies for modelling direct and economy-wide impacts of competition reforms; and
- what metrics should be used to measure the impact of reforms on the economy broadly, households and consumers, affected industries and small business, and government revenue.
Read the full submission below.
Last Updated on 06/06/2024
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