Law Council of Australia

Business Law Section

Proposed Amendments to the Tax Agent Services Act 2009 by the Treasury Laws Amendment (2023 Measures No. 1) Bill 2023

The Joint Bodies highlight that it is in the public interest that significant legislation (including proposed amendments) is shared in advance with stakeholders including affected parties and those who represent them for comment – to avoid unintended consequences and to ensure effective design.

While they respect that Senators and other Members of Parliament are free to table amendments to any current Bill or Act at any time, it is in the public interest that significant proposed changes are made available for comment in advance of such amendments becoming law. In relation to the Treasury Laws Amendment Bill 2023, stakeholders were given the opportunity to comment in advance and have provided meaningful feedback.

The same occurred in relation to separate relevant exposure draft legislation related to the ‘Response to PwC’ package, as recently as October 2023. The Bill was introduced into the House of Representatives on 16 February 2023 and was passed by the House on 9 March 2023 before being introduced into the Senate that day. The Senate Economics Legislation Committee also considered their submissions on the Bill and made no recommendations to alter Schedule 3 which proposes to amend the Tax Agent Services Act 2009.

Read the full submission below.

Last Updated on 26/11/2024


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