Law Council of Australia


Review of Australia’s Disability Strategy

The Law Council of Australia provided a submission to the Department of Social Services in response to its review of the Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-2031 (ADS). We are grateful for the contributions received for this submission from the Law Society of New South Wales and our National Human Rights Committee.

Consistently with its Diversity Policy, the Law Council is committed to ensuring a diverse and inclusive workforce and society where people with disability are treated fairly, with respect and dignity, and afforded equal opportunities.1 The Law Council is also committed to eliminating all forms of discrimination against people with disability, as reflected in its Human Rights Policy.2

Our comments are focused on the outcome area related to ‘Safety, Rights and Justice’. They build on our earlier reports and submissions to various inquiries and consultations relating to people with disability and should be read in conjunction with those submissions. Those earlier publications include our:

  1. 2020 submission to the Disability Royal Commission in response to its Issues Paper – the Criminal Justice System;
  2. 2020 submission on the National Disability Strategy, which responds to the proposal for the National Disability Strategy 2010-2020;
  3. 2019 submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) in response to its Discussion Paper – Priorities for Federal Discrimination Law Reform;
  4. 2019 submission to the Attorney-General’s Department in response to its review of the Australian Human Rights Commission Regulations 1986 and Disability Discrimination Regulations 1996; and
  5. 2018 Final Report of the Justice Project and Final Report – Part 1: People with Disability.3

Read the full submission below.

1 Law Council of Australia, Diversity Policy (22 November 2016) 2.
2 Law Council of Australia, Human Rights Policy (15 May 2017) 6.
3 Law Council of Australia, Final Report of the Justice Project and Final Report – Part 1: People with Disability (August 2018).

Last Updated on 11/10/2024


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