Law Council of Australia

Policy Agenda

Human Rights Policy

The Law Council launched its Policy Statement on Human Rights and the Legal Profession on 16 June 2017, laying out core principles and commitments of behalf of the Australian legal profession. 

The Policy Statement sets out a framework for evaluating the merits of legislation, policy, and practice by reference to international human rights law.

The Statement includes a commitment to advocate for a federal charter or bill of rights, as well as for more State and Territory charters of rights to join those of Victoria and the ACT. 

It also commits the Law Council to promote respect for human rights by Australian corporations and other incorporated and non-incorporated entities, including through implementation of the UN’s Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

The Policy Statement on Human Rights and the Legal Profession was prepared by the Law Council’s National Human Rights Committee and approved by its Directors. 

The Statement can be accessed below.

Last Updated on 20/06/2018


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