2023 Annual Bannerman Competition Lecture
3rd May | Sydney
The Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) in conjunction with the Business Law Section (BLS) hosted the annual Bannerman Competition Lecture on Wednesday 3rd May 2023 in Sydney. The lecture, in honour of the late Ron Bannerman AO, a renowned figure in the field of competition law and regulation, was delivered by Professor Ross Garnaut.
Professor Ross Garnaut's speech spoke to the growth of oligopolies in both domestic and international markets and the importance of regulating concentrated markets to prevent harmful economic impacts. He also shared his valuable insights on the future of the Australian economy and how we can address current issues through various policy measures.
The annual Bannerman Competition Lecture has become one of the most important events on the competition law calendar in Australia. It was pleasing to once again welcome back in person attendees at the event after several years, whilst still allowing the event to reach a wide audience both domestic and internationally with delegates also participating online. A copy of the full lecture paper and a recording of the event are available below.
The BLS gives its thanks to Professor Garnaut and the ACCC for another successful event and looks forward to hosting what will be the 10th lecture in 2024.
Last Updated on 05/05/2023