SME Business Law Committee
The SME Business Law Committee was initiated by Prof Bob Baxt in 2010 to represent the perspective of small businesses when providing submissions and consultations in areas where other BLS committees represented the interests of the large business clients of the practitioner members.
The committee interacts with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman, Australian Securities and Investments Commission, Australian Taxation Office, Treasury and COSBOA and the positions of and representation from the committee is highly valued by the regulators when consulting on proposed legislative change and on strategic workshops dealing with changes that will impact SMEs (eg ASIC/ATO Modernising Business Registers).
- Mr Bruce Collins
Tax Controversy Partners Pty Limited
T. 02 8513 3813
Deputy Chair
- Michael Terceiro (Sydney)
Terceiro Legal Consulting Pty Ltd
T. (02) 8086 2005
BLS Executive Liaison
- Ms Rachel Webber
Jackson McDonald
T. (08) 9426 6843
F. (08) 9254 3438
Last Updated on 06/12/2021
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