Law Council of Australia

Business Law Section

Episode Seven: Cyber Security & the Critical Infrastructure Bill

This episode is about cyber-security and the Critical Infrastructure Bill, legislation that is currently before the Federal Parliament. The Bill will impose an new and extensive set of cyber-security requirements for what is to be regarded as “critical infrastructure” – and it covers a number of sectors beyond what would be typically thought of as infrastructure in ordinary language, including food and grocery, health and financial services.

Joining BLS Executive members Professor Pamela Hanrahan and John Keeves in this discussion are two leading lawyers in this area, Rebecca Dunn who is a partner in Gilbert + Tobin’s Intellectual Property group and Marcus Clark, a partner with Johnson Winter & Slattery, where he practises in M&A and foreign investment.

TheBLSReport · The BLS Report - Episode 7: Cyber Security & the Critical Infrastructure Bill

Last Updated on 20/01/2023

